The University of Fort Hare is located near the Tyhume River in Alice in the Eastern Cape in South Africa. It is a public university that was established in 1916. The University of Fort Hare (UFH) has three different campuses, with the main one being in Alice and the other two in Bhisho and East London. In the beginning, UFH was known as The South African Native College. UFH went on to produce well-known graduates, such as Nelson Mandela, Robert Sobukwe, Oliver Tambo and many others. UFH has five different faculties (Law, Education, Management & Commerce, Social Sciences & Humanities, and Science & Agriculture) and all their qualifications go up to the doctoral level.
Applying to UFH
It’s easy to apply to UFH. You can choose to apply online, or you can complete a hard copy of the form.
Online Application:
- Before submitting your UFH Application, ensure that you have all the necessary requirements.
- Take note that you are required to pay a non-refundable R80 application fee for the online application. The banking details are given to you on the website.
- Go to and complete your UFH Application online.
- You will need to upload your deposit slip showing that the R80 application fee was paid, along with the other required documents.
- You will receive an SMS confirming the status of your application, as well as a confirmation letter.
- If you are currently in matric and you qualify based on your performance in mid-term exams, you will be admitted provisionally, but acceptance will be determined by your end-of-year results and if there is space at UFH.
- If your application is successful, you will receive an SMS and an admission letter. You will also receive a registration pack which will include useful information such as the dates for registration and information on the orientation programme.
Hardcopy | Offline Application:
- On the website, there is a tab that says “Application Forms”.
- Hover over the tab, and click “Undergraduate & Honours Application Form”. This will start with a download of a Word format application form.
- For the hardcopy application, there is a non-refundable application fee of R120.
- The banking details are on the UFH Application form, and they request that you include a copy of the deposit slip with your application form.
- Make sure you have all the required documents to include with your application.
- Once you have completed the application form, you can email it to
- You can also post your completed application forms to the Alice or East London campus.
UFH Application Requirements
The UFH Requirements for your application are as follows:
- Identity Document
- Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
- Proof of Payment of your application fee
- September matric results (if you’re still in matric)
- Matric certificate
- SAQA clearance certificate (applicable to foreign students and undergrad nursing students)
- Academic Record, including proof that the Certificate of Conduct has been requested from your previous University if you were registered with another institution
UFH Application Dates
Applications open up in July and close at the end of November.
University of Fort Hare (UFH) Registration
If you are a new student at UFH, you will be able to register online as well as at campus. It’s important to note that while some faculties only allow online registration, other faculties offer online registration as well as traditional registration. It’s important that you look this up so that you know how you can register.
Online registration
- Students register online themselves.
- If they experience issues with registering online, students will need to email the registration support email.
- Choose ‘Rules and Regulations on the left-hand side. Accepting these rules is mandatory, and your electronic signature is stored on your student file.
- Once you have read the rules and accepted them, click on ‘I Accept’ at the bottom of the page.
- Choose your employment status and choose either ‘Save and Continue’, ‘Save – Continue Later’, or ‘Restart Process’.
- Choose your subjects, and make sure you choose your compulsory subjects and the balance of your subjects.
- You won’t be able to register for subjects where the pre-requisite hasn’t been met.
- Click on ‘Save and Continue’.
- If you want to print the Registration Costs, then choose ‘Print Cost Details’.
- Click on the ‘Accept Registration’ button to continue, and you have successfully registered to UFH.
- If you want to add a course, click ‘Add a course to Registration’ on the left.
- Enter the course qualification code.
- Choose your course, and complete the same process as above.
- Click on ‘Proof of Statement’ if you want to re-print your statement.
- Process Status shows if you have completed all the steps for registration.
- Click on ‘Student Administration’ and select ‘Personal information update’ to verify your personal information.
- Areas that are able to update will have a white border.
- Once you have updated any required information, click on ‘Save’.
- Choose ‘Personal Contact Detail’ to verify your contact details.
- Choose ‘New Record’ if you want to edit your contact information.
- Click ‘Communication Type’ if you want to view or edit existing contact information.
- Choose ‘Save’ to save all your information.
Traditional registration
- You’ll find the course registration forms online at
- Click on Registration 2022, and at the bottom of the page, you’ll see “Proceed to Register”.
- This takes you to a page that has the faculties listed, along with the course registration forms.
- Download the forms, complete the form and then send the completed forms to the email address that’s found in the document titled ‘Online & Traditional registration arrangements’.
- Your chosen faculty will check your completed form, approve it, and send a PDF copy to Admissions to be captured.
- Once the Admissions staff has approved your registration, you will be able to find a copy on your IENABLER.
- If you require residence, then you can continue with ‘Online Residence Registration’.
Registration dates are different for each campus. The registration dates for 2022 are as follows:
East London First-Year Students: 1st to 6th of March
Bhisho First-Year Students: 5th to 6th of March
Alice First-Year Students: 8th to 14th of March
Masters and PhD Continuing Students: 1st of 14th of March
All Undergrad Continuing Students: 8th to 14th of March
The same dates apply to international students.
To be able to register to UFH, you need to pay a minimum payment of R3500 no later than three days before registering. The amount will be credited to your account.
International students need to apply for a study permit. These are the necessary requirements for a study permit:
- A letter from UFH confirming your provisional acceptance as well as the duration of your course.
- A study permit issued by the Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence.
- Proof of medical cover/insurance that is recognized in South Africa.
- An international qualification that is verified by SAQA.
The process of applying and registering to UFH is easy, and their website is great for assisting you with both. UFH also offers a loan-to-buy system with laptops in case you need a laptop to work remotely. Your account will be debited with the amount (interest-free) monthly. UFH also provides its students with free data, so they really are a university that cares about its students.