UL Prospectus

The prospectus lists out all the conditions and requirements for the students and will give you a guide about the minimum requirement as well as the steps you need to follow to apply for the application.

The prospectus for the University of Limpopo’s 2022 expectant can be accessed here: https://www.ul.ac.za/prospectus.

University of Limpopo Application Status

If you’ve completed your UL application successfully, chances are, you are going to want to hear results promptly. Due to the recent Covid adjustments, the University of Limpopo, like many other universities, has moved all of its admission procedures online.

Once the application is submitted, the UL prospect students are given a login ID and details that can be used to access UL’s online portal to stay updo date with their application status. The students should keep checking their account in the university’s portal just to make sure if there are any additional documents required or any additional testing the students are asked to go through.

This is the link to the portal where you can check your application Status with your credentials;


The University of Limpopo asks for around a month before students should expect to receive any sort of information regarding their application. The applicants are also provided with an email address and phone number that can be reached out to get more information. These are email: enrolment@ul.ac.za and 015 268 3833 /3332 /2788 /2812 /3276 / 3925 /2435.

Make sure that you have understood the admission requirements of your faculty and specified program listed out by the university to ensure that your expectation is realistic and chances of admission are increased.

Once the prospective students have accepted their offers and are ready to register for their programme, they can sign in to their portal to access the courses selection options. This can be done via going under academic registration and choosing the “student registration” option. Once they accept the term and conditions, the portal will then take them to their course selection under their program.


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