University of Cape Town (UCT), located in the Western Cape province of Cape Town in South Africa, is one of the leading Universities in research both in Africa and the world. In 1829, UCT was established, making it the oldest higher education institution or University in South Africa. The institution admits both South African citizens and international students.

Have you recently applied to the South Africa’s renowned University of Capetown and aren’t sure exactly what to do next? As you eagerly await your response, tracking the status of your application online is an excellent way to know what stage your application is in and help you to be ready for when it comes.

A prospective student will only be able to access their application status after completing the necessary process for application.

If you would like to learn more about how to check your application status, continue reading this article to find out.

UCT Application Status

After applying to UCT, you can check the status of your application online. This can be done by visiting the university’s website.

Starting on the upper hand toolbar, click in the following order: Applications > Apply > Undergraduate Applications > Check Your Application Status. This will lead you to a page that provides you with a link to UCT’s Oracle Peoplesoft system.

Once you have arrived at the login page, you will need to enter your information. This consists of a User ID and a password that is given to you after application. After doing so, click the Sign In button to be navigated to your application status.

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it on this page. Or, if you have other troubles signing in, you are encouraged to consult the student self-service help documentation or send an email to

Before you apply, make sure you are eligible for the requirement needed on the prospectus. You must as well meet the minimum requirements for application.

Necessary Supported Documents Required When Applying For UCT

Now, the necessary documents you will need for the application are;

  • A certified copy of ID or Passport Number
  • A personal email address
  • Certified copy of final results (grade 12)
  • Copies of academic records of previous institutions attended must be provided.
  • Original copy of paid application fee. The amount paid is non-refundable.
  • Passport number if the applicant is a foreigner.

How to Access UCT Prospectus

For the University of Cape Town, accessing the prospectus document is an easy and straightforward process. You can find it through a quick Google search or by searching “prospectus” on the university’s website.

Once you have found the prospectus, you will find that it is available in PDF format. Keep in mind that you will need to use a smartphone, tablet or computer that accepts PDF file downloads to be able to view it. For UCT’s 2022 undergraduate prospectus, click here to view the document.

If you have any more concerns or inquiries regarding checking your application status or accessing the UCT prospectus, feel free to send an email to or call +27

(0)21 650 2128.


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