The Tshwane University of Technology(TUT) is the largest residential institution for higher education in South Africa. About 40,000 students study at the university of technology, and this number is growing rapidly. Almost 22 percent of students are accommodated in residences.

The quality of its teaching, research, and community engagement is second to none.

The university has campuses in Tshwane (Pretoria, Soshanguve, and Ga-Rankuwa), Mbombela, eMalahleni (previously Witbank), and Polokwane and students also come in large numbers from other provinces and South Africa’s neighbours, such as Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Swaziland.

The entrepreneurial approach offered at TUT opens up many opportunities for students to become entrepreneurs and job creators. Innovation and creative thinking fuel the drive towards the realization of this aim.

TUT sees the diversity of its staff, students, and other stakeholders as a strength that should be protected and encouraged. The university believes this approach is in the best interests of the country and the African continent.

TUT Online Application

Tо apply for online fоr admission, vіѕіt If you are a South African, have your ID number ready. If not, you will need your passport number to start the process. You can apply using a cell phone, laptop, or other devices that will give you access to the website.

Also, make sure you have

  • The necessary funds in your bank account to pay the application fee.
  • Scanned copies of
  • your ID and
  • Your grade 12 results (or grade 11 marks if you have not completed grade 12)

On the website mentioned above, click on Apply Now to start your application.

Take note of the message about payment. Enter your email address, tell the system

whether you have a student number, and provide your physical address.

Moving through the application pages, you will be asked to fill in many answers, starting with your geographical and personal details. You will be asked for your:

  • gender,
  • date of birth,
  • surname,
  • first names,
  • title,
  • address
  • marital status,
  • language,
  • whether you are employed,
  • and whether a bursary will be required.

After the biographical and personal information, you must also provide detailed information about the person who will be responsible for the payment of your account, as well as your next of kin. This information will tell the university who to contact if they cannot reach you.

You will also be asked for your grade 12 results and information about the last school you attended. You must add information about the qualification you wish to obtain, what faculty you will be attending and what programs (subjects) you want to study.

On the last page, enter a five-digit PIN that you can use to log in. Then select I accept and submit your application.

To repeat, remember that a vаlіd Emаіl address іѕ required before an еlесtrоnіс аррlісаtіоn can be ѕubmіttеd.

A nоn-rеfundаblе fее must be deposited bеfоrеhаnd in their bank account.

Whеn thе аррlісаtіоn hаѕ bееn processed, thе аррlісаnt will be аllосаtеd a unique rеfеrеnсе numbеr. This number is his or her student number. To learn more about the process, rules, regulations, and available courses, download the prospectus from the website It is in PDF format.

An online application may not be not older than a year. Copies of your original ID- document and matric certificate, and highest academic qualification, and the required fee for administration must reach TUT before the specified closing dates.

How to access TUT prospectus

To access the prospectus, go to, click on the menu option in the top right-hand corner of the page, and click on Faculties. The top option on the page that appears is Filter by year. Make sure the most recent year is selected.

The second option is Filter by Campus. Click on a campus to see the faculties available at the campus you have selected. You can access information about the different faculties and courses from there.

Download and study the TUT prospectus in PDF format

TUT Application Dates

Dates for different courses may be different. Contact the university if you have any questions.

The Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Online Application for admission for this academic year is always online, and registration will open on April 1 and close on September 30.

You can also apply online for the second semester. Applications will be open until July 28.

The online function will be open for all students to register for the second semester and block four subjects until August 2.

There will be a penalty for late registration (except for specific block-based programs and research-based M and D Tech programs):

The closing date for admission applications to research-based M and D programs (the second semester and block four programs) is July 31. The closing date for submission of hardbound copies (only first-year students may use them; all other applications are strictly online (for spring graduation is July 31. These dates are not final. Please confirm all dates with the university.

If you plan to study while staying in one of the residences, you must apply for that. Go to the university site to find out more.

TUT Requirements

  • Each course has different specific admission requirements.
  • In some cases, students will have to write an admission test.
  • One of the main requirements for admission is a senior certificate level pass mark in English.
  • Some programs may require prior knowledge of mathematics; others only require Mathematical Literacy.
  • You must have an email address.
  • Have you calculated your Admission Point Score (APS)?
  • You’ll need to know what the score is before applying. It will determine which courses are open to you.
  • Remember to complete the application in full. This way, you will avoid delays.
  • All applicants must send a certified copy of their Identification Documents (or Passports in the case of international students).
  • Applicants may not fax the documents.
  • A further TUT requirement is that prospective students write National Benchmark Tests (NBTs).

Also Read: TUT Application Status and Prospectus

Courses offered at TUT

The university has eight campuses and offers some distance education programs in the safety and security department, such as policing and traffic courses. Applicants for these courses must live near Cape town or Durban as they must attend classes. You cannot apply for these courses online.

Some of the courses offered at the TUT campuses are:

See the prospectus for the full list of courses offered by the various campuses.

The departments are

1. Economics and Finance

Courses in this department include subjects such as:

  • Accounting.
  • Economics.
  • Auditing.

And others

2. Engineering and the Built environment

  • Architecture.
  • Civil Engineering.
  • Industrial Engineering.

And others

3. Humanities

  • Journalism.
  • Law.
  • Public Management.

And others

4. Information and Communication Technology

  • Informatics.
  • Computer Science.
  • Computer Systems Engineering.

And others

5. Management Sciences

  • Business School.
  • Tourism Management.
  • Hospitality Management

And more

6. Science

  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Chemistry.
  • Crop Sciences.

And others

7. Arts

  • Performing Arts.
  • Fashion Design and Technology.

And others


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