What is the Department of Education?

The Department of education was the South African government’s Department in charge of education until 2009 when it was split into two, the Department of basic education and the Department of higher education and training. The then Department of education was in charge of overseeing the South African education and training system, including schools and universities. It was politically headed by the minister of education.

The Department of higher education and training is the Department of the South African government that oversees the functioning of universities and other post-secondary education in South Africa. This Department was created in 2009 after the Department of education was divided. The Department issues a list of approved South African journals, which is used as a criterion for scholars and scientists to receive recognition for their academic publishing productivity. It also gives journal editors the chance to get monetary compensation from the government. It is headed by the minister of higher education and training.

The Department of basic education was created in 2009 to ensure effective and efficient governance and management and effective development. It also deals with monitoring the implementation of the curriculum, improving the supply of teachers, development, and utilization. It also ensures effective systems for planning, coordination, and the management of information. The Department of basic education deals with all schools and grades from Grade R to grade 12 as well as adult literacy programs. This Department focuses on developing and maintaining a system that makes lifelong learning accessible to all learners.

All educators under the Department of basic education or the Department of higher education and training must be registered with the South African Council for Educators (SACE). Any school will not employ educators in South Africa without first registering with the council. To register, all educators must meet the basic requirements for registration.

Requirements for registration 

To register as an educator, you are required to have the following documents:

  • A certified copy of your professional diplomas and/or degree certificates
  • You should have certified copies of your identification documents.
  • You should have the registration fee. The registration fee for SACE is R200 (S.A. Educators) and R400 (Foreign Educators).

For non-south African citizens, you must include the following documentation:

  • An evaluation report from SAQA
  • You should have an evaluation report for employment in education from the Department of basic education: educator Qualifications and programs section.
  • Your application must include a work permit stating that they are permitted to teach in South Africa.
  • You are required to have proof of permanent residence and non-south African identity documentation.
  • Lastly, applicants should have proof of employment or pending employment by a school in South Africa.

How to register 

As mentioned above, to register as an educator, you are required to register with the South African Council for educators. Before explaining the application process, here’s a brief overview of what SACE is.

The South African Council for Educators (SACE) is a professional council for educators that focuses on enhancing the teaching profession’s status through appropriate registration, management of professional development, and the inclusion of a code of ethics for all educators in South Africa.

Only original application forms will be accepted. SACE does not accept faxed or emailed forms. The criteria for registration or the minimum requirements are simple, as shown above. If you meet the registration requirements, you can then commence your registration process. To register, or commence your SACE application online, follow these steps:

Step 1: make sure to satisfy the ethical standards contemplated in the Code of Professional Ethics for Educators. (ethics is a big deal at SACE, they have an entire committee dedicated to ensuring that educators uphold a high ethical and moral code of conduct)

Step 2: You must have obtained the minimum post Matriculation teacher education qualification of (3) years (M + 3 or REQV13) and a two (2) year certificate in teacher education for the pre-primary phase (M + 2 or REQV12)

Step 3: Follow this direct link to have access to the registration portal easily: www.eservices.gov.za. You can register for SACE online. The registration process is facilitated through the SITA e-services portal.

Step 4: Click on the link, then Register on the e-gov services.

Step 5: Once registered with the e-gov service, you can then log in to the e-gov portal and select SACE to begin registering.

Step 6: If you already registered on www.eservices.gov.za, just proceed with log in to your and begin your online registration for SACE.


If you had lost your registration status, that is, you had already registered with SACE, but your name had been removed from the register, you can re-apply and register again with SACE. Any person whose name has been removed from the register can re-apply for registration with the council.

If you decide to re-apply, your application for re-registration must be accompanied by the reasons why your name was removed from the register and a detailed motivation letter explaining why you should be re-registered with SACE.

Applicants who wish to re-register would have to follow the same procedure that first-time applicants to SACE have to follow.

Internship Opportunities Available At The Department of Education.

The Department of Education provides internship opportunities open all over the country. To be eligible for these internship programs, you must meet the requirements stated by the Department.


  • Applications will only be considered from unemployed South African citizens who are aged between 18 – 35 years.
  • It is also open to unemployed youth with disabilities who are equally encouraged to apply.
  • You must not have participated in any other government department internship program. Candidates who have already participated in an internship program in any Government department will not be considered.
  • Applications should be made on form Z83. This form is obtainable from any Public Service Department, and it is usually accompanied by; a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae; certified copies of Grade 12 and highest qualification; Identity Document and Municipal Proof of Residence.
  • All applicants should ensure that their application forms have been signed and dated.
  • If you fail to submit the requested documents, your application will not be considered.
  • All candidates must indicate the reference number of their preferred Directorate / District on the space provided on their application form.
  • It is important to ensure that if you are applying for more than one position, each application should be on a separate application form for each post.
  • Should you be in possession of foreign qualifications, these must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

You need to note that:

  • All qualifications are subjected to verification.
  • Any application that will be received after the closing date will not be considered.
  • Internship applications that are Faxed or emailed will also not be considered.
  • The Department reserves the right not to make appointments and correspondence. This will be limited to short-listed candidates only.
  • Once you have been selected at the first stage, it will be expected of you to be available for selection interviews on a date, time, and place as determined by the Department.
  • Transformation imperatives of race, gender, and disability as per National Skills Development strategy III will be implemented in selecting successful candidates.
  • If you are not contacted within 3 months of the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.

Read Also: How to register to the South African Council for Educators (SACE online)

For more information:

Department of Basic Education

222 Struben Street

Pretoria Central, Pretoria


Postal Address

Private Bag X895



Call Centre: 0800 202 933 | Callcentre@dbe.gov.za

Switchboard: 012 357 3000

Email: info@dbe.gov.za



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