The results from your final matric exams are crucial to success later in life. Many universities and colleges may have provisionally accepted you but will only admit you based on your matric results. For many matriculants, the final matric exams can be fraught with difficulties. Some students have to deal with personal issues that affect their studies. But for 2020 and 2022 matriculants, there were additional difficulties because of the pandemic, which may have affected their results. In such instances, students should register for supplementary exams.

However, if you have only missed a bachelor pass on one or two subjects, or if you think there may be discrepancies between the exam and your results, you should consider re-marking and re-checking your papers, both of which you need to register to complete.

In this guide, you’ll receive step-by-step instructions on how to register for re-checking and re-marking your matric results, in addition to a step-by-step guide to register for supplementary exams.

How To Register for re-marking and re-checking

Papers are marked manually, which means discrepancies can occur that may affect your overall results. If you think this is the case with one of your papers, or you believe your marks aren’t a true reflection of your results, you should consider re-marking and re-checking.

Step 1: Determine The Closing Date

You can only apply to have your papers re-marked or re-checked for a limited time after the Department releases the results. For this reason, the Department of Basic Education advises learners to get their statement of results from the school or centre where they wrote their exams. Then, if they feel there are any discrepancies, to request a review within 30 days. This means that the sooner you apply to have your papers re-marked or re-checked, the better. But, if for some reason you can’t complete it immediately, you should find out what the closing date for applications for re-marking and re-checking are, as any late applications will be denied.

Step 2: Visit The eServices

Although you can apply to have your exam papers re-marked and re-checked at the school or education district office, using the instructions at the back of your statement of results, you can also apply online.

Applying to have your matric papers re-checked and re-marked online is a convenient solution. If you decide to take this route, you will access the application form online through the eServices platform.

Step 3: Register For An Account

After you have visited the eServices platform, you need to register your account. Click on “Sign Up/Register” in the navigation menu. You will be redirected to a registration form.

Consent to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Now, input your details, including your ID number. After you have filled in all your details, you will receive a one time pin to complete registration.

Then you can sign in using your ID number and password.

Step 4: Select The Subjects You Want to Re-check or Re-mark

Once you’ve signed in, you will need to navigate to Matric Services and select the Re-Check/Re-mark Tab. From there, you will see a list of subjects you can submit to have re-marked or re-checked. Choose the ones you need.

Step 5: Pay The Fee

Now that you’ve selected the papers you want to have re-checked or re-marked, you’ll be required to pay a fee.

The fee for re-marking and re-checking are as follows but may increase annually:

Re-marking: R120

Re-checking: R29

Viewing Scripts: R234 (This applies if you first want to see your scripts from the exam paper.)

Sometimes the Department of Basic Education may enable students who attended no-fee schools to forgo the fees, in which case you’ll need to apply for this exemption.

Step 6: Accept The Declaration

The final step is to accept the declaration. The declaration confirms that the information that you’ve provided is correct.

Be sure to double-check your details before you submit your declaration, as you cannot change the information once you’ve submitted it.

Step 7: Check Status and Print Letter

Before your papers have been re-marked and re-checked, the DBE will communicate the status of your application via email. Then, once your exam papers are re-marked and re-checked, you’ll be able to print out the Result Letter the DBE sends you via email.

How To Register for Supplementary Exams

If you didn’t pass matric because your results weren’t as expected, or you want to improve your results to get a bachelor pass, you need to know how to register for supplementary exams.

Supplementary exams are a second chance to write your matric exams during May/June of the following year. You can decide to rewrite as many subjects as you want to with the higher of the two marks appearing on your final results.

If this interests you, you should follow this step-by-step guide detailing how to register for supplementary exams.

Step 1: Determine If You’re Eligible To Write Supplementary Exams

Only students who meet the conditions of entry can participate in the supplementary exams hosted by the Department of Basic Education. If students aren’t eligible, they will have to register to rewrite matric at a FET college or use a Public Adult Education Centre. Therefore, it’s essential that you first determine if you’re eligible before applying.

Below you can find the eligibility criteria for supplementary exams.

Candidates are only eligible to register to participate in the supplementary exams if:

  • They are under 21 years old.
  • Want to rewrite subjects which they took in the previous November examination.
  • Have been absent from an exam for a valid reason (i.e. medically unfit, death in the immediate family, etc.) You will need to provide proof of your reason.
  • Participated in the previous November examination, but want to improve some of your overall achievement status or the achievement of one subject.
  • Did not attend an exam for reasons other than illness/death in the family. You will need to provide a written reference from the principal endorsing your eligibility to participate in the supplementary exams.

Step 2: Know The Closing Dates

If you are eligible to participate in the supplementary exams, you should familiarise yourself with the closing dates. Often, the Department of Basic Education will announce the closing date for supplementary exams when the results are released, these dates will usually be a month after the results are released.

Step 3: Visit Your Local Education District Office or Register Online

If you’re planning to apply to write the supplementary exams offline, you should visit your Local Education District Office. From there, you’ll be given an application form to complete. You can hand it back in after you’ve filled it in.

However, you can also complete the process online by visiting the government’s eServices website.

Register for an account – if you don’t have one – and then select matric services, followed by supplementary exams. Once you have been redirected to the supplementary exam portal, complete the form, upload any supporting documents, and submit the information.

The DBE will then be in contact regarding the status of your registration for supplementary exams, or you can log in to your account later and check your status.

Step 4: Know Your Exam Dates

Once you’ve submitted your application – and it’s been approved – memorise your exam dates and locations, so you don’t miss this opportunity.

Also Read: Applying for Replacement Certificate: Lost or Damaged Matric Certificate

Step 5: Prepare For Exams

Although preparing for the exams is not a necessary step to register for supplementary exams, it is the best way to ensure you don’t let this second chance go to waste. Therefore, once you’ve submitted your form, start preparing for subjects you’ve applied to rewrite. Keep in mind, that you will also need to pay a fee for every subject you choose to rewrite and wasting the opportunity also means money wasted.

If you have any questions about supplementary exams or re-marking exam papers, consider reaching out to the Department of Education. You can call the call centre on 0800 202 933 or email You can also call the switchboard on 012 357 3000 or find the number for your provincial Departments of Education by following this link.


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