The first steps to a fulfilling career in health sciences are to choose a university that meets your needs. Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University could be that university. Named after the second president of the ANC, the university specializes in health sciences offering courses from dermatology to dentistry with students and faculty that share the same vision. If you intend to join this competitive university, be sure you have access to the SMU prospectus and know how to track your SMU application status.

How To Access The Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University Prospectus

Your journey to a memorable experience at a higher education institute begins with researching your prospective school and programme choices. The prospectus is a guide that does that. The prospectus walks you through not only the school’s expectations but also a detailed explanation of programmes and curriculum.

As the school currently only has 6,300 students enrolled, this could be the most difficult university in South Africa to get into. Therefore, to give you a better chance, we detail how to access the SMU prospectus below.

Step 1: Learn more about the preselection process.

Before applying, learning about eligibility and APS requirements are critical. You can download SMU’s Admissions procedure by visiting the, clicking on “Students”, then “Undergraduate Students”. You will then have a list of download documents you can choose from. To access the Admission procedure, click “Medicine Admissions Selection” to expand the section, then download the document.

Step 2: Access The SMU Prospectus PDF Download

The prospectus goes into even more detail. However, unlike a standard PDF download, the SMU prospectus is a two-page ‘poster’ that details what you can learn, how to apply and how to contact the school.

You can access this SMU prospectus PDF download by visiting, clicking on “Students” followed by “Undergraduate Students”. Once you have been redirected to the Undergraduate Student page, you can access the prospectus by downloading the PDF under “Undergraduate Prospectus”.

How To Track SMU Application Status

After applying to SMU, you will want to know how far your application is and if you need to provide any additional documents. We detail how to track your SMU application status online below.

Step 1: Go To The Online Student Portal

You can find the student portal by clicking here.

Step 2: Enter Your Student Details

Once on the portal, you will be asked whether you have a student number. If you have an application with the university, answer “Yes.” You will then need to click a hyperlink that asks you to continue to the login page, which you can access here.

Step 3: View Your Status

After entering your student details, you will be able to view your SMU application status online.

Get In Contact With SMU

If you have any questions about the application process or accessing the prospectus, you can contact the university on (012) 521-5057. You can also live chat with a consultant on the SMU website.



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