Lyceum Correspondence College is completely online, and therefore anyone can apply from any country as long as you have access to the internet. The college has a very unique and innovative way of teaching its students.

What makes the college quite great is that you can enrol at any time during the year, and depending on the time of enrollment, this will then affect your examination timings.

Lyceum Correspondence College offers an amazing program that helps students gain experience through Work-it Student Employment Centre. This could help with your job placement once you’ve graduated.

You will have access to the college’s personalised academic support, which will help you on your

academic course.

How To Apply to Lyceum College

The entire application process is done via the student portal that can be found on their website, As a first time applicant, you will need to register and save these login details as you will need them in the future.

You can apply over the course of a few days if you do not have all your information, as the student portal saves all your details.

You will need:

  • Your latest education results
  • Identity document or passport
  • Applicant’s certificates/qualifications
  • Municipal billing documents or other account statements not older than three months

The rest of your information can be filled in on the portal.

The great thing about the student portal is that it can be regarded as your one-stop shop for everything you will need for your studies.

Once you are a student at Lyceum Correspondence College, you will be able to see your timetable for your course, view the assignments you will be assigned as well as have access to the study material.

The online exams will be on th is portal as well, and once completed, the result will then be available on the portal.

The student portal is also available for more personal functions, such as checking account enquiries, editing any personal details that may have changed or perhaps changing your password if needed.

It’s important to regularly the student portal as the college will provide all information, regardless of the reason, on the portal.

The portal is strictly for students only and should not be shared with other students or anyone else not registered as a Lyceum Student.

Lyceum College Study Courses

Lyceum College offers a variety of courses. They are as follows;

  • Bachelor of Commerce in Management
  • Diploma in Management
  • Diploma in Public Administration
  • Advance Certificate in Public Management
  • Higher Certificate in Operations Management
  • Higher Certificate in Total Quality Management
  • Bachelor of Arts in Disaster and Safety Management
  • Bachelor of Administration in Licencing Practice
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Traffic Policing
  • Advanced Diploma in Traffic and Metropolitan Policing
  • Diploma in Criminal Justice
  • Higher Certificate in Incident Management
  • Diploma in Grade R Teaching

Read Also: How to Apply to Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA)

If you do find yourself having more questions, you can email the college directly at or call them at 086 010 0705.

Lyceum Correspondence College is especially a great choice with the new way of living because of COID-19.


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