The SITA ICT learnership program offers a year-long paid internship to qualifying South Africans who are willing to advance their careers in the field of Information Technology (I.T.).

SITA is a government I.T. agency central to the successful implementation of the National Development Plan Vision 2030. Also, this agency exists for the sole purpose of strategically leveraging I.T. as a resource for the Government, using it to manage the I.T. procurement and delivery process. This is done so that the Government gets value for money and uses I.T. to support the delivery of e-Government services to all citizens.

Hence, the first part of a successful job application is preparation. In your preparation, first, get on the SITA site and review the requirements for the learnership program. When done, make sure that you introduce yourself in your CV, stating how you will help advance the above-listed SITA functions and how you will benefit South Africa at large.

Here are the major requirements for the application:

  • You must be an unemployed South African citizen between 18 and 35 years
  • You must have completed Matric / Grade 12
  • You must possess an IT Degree, Project Management, or equivalent qualification
  • You must also be Computer-literate
  • No working experience is required
  • Applicants should not have participated in any internship program before

Once you are done preparing and reviewing all requirements, gather all required documents. These are your S.A. I.D copy and copies of all qualifications. If you have an international qualification, get it verified by SAQA. Remember, SAQA has a turnaround time which may stretch to 14 days or more in some cases. Therefore, make sure that you apply for their evaluation in time – enough not to miss the deadline.

Once you are done with the paperwork, send your detailed CV, certified copies of qualifications and a copy of your S.A. I.D document to the preferred provincial office. SITA releases emails that you must use for each province. These emails are also specific to which division you will be applying for.

Here are examples of emails they used for applications:

  • If you were applying in the Eastern Cape province, you would send your CV and supporting documents to you were applying in Gauteng Province; you send your CV and supporting documents to

The rest of the provinces’ email addresses are listed below;

  • Mpumalanga/Nelspruit –
  • Western Cape –
  • Northern Cape –
  • Limpopo –
  • Kwazulu-Natal –
  • North West –

While sending through the applications, note that each province has its own unique requirements. For example, Gauteng Province may only be taking interns for the Business Analysis division, while Kwazulu-Natal will be looking for Software Engineers. Therefore, ensure that you take note of your own province’s requirements, including who they are looking to hire. This helps you not to make the mistake of applying for a position that is not in line with your career goals.


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