Youth unemployment in South Africa is at an all-time high. The unemployment rate in the 15—to 24-year-old age group stands at 64.4%, whereas the country’s overall unemployment rate stands at 34.4%. With figures like these, South Africans will be happy that on 2 February 2025, Stats SA will be hosting a census, allowing youth and unemployed South Africans to access temporary and contract work.

Given that the opportunity will enable thousands of South Africans to participate in fieldwork and have part-time employment in 2025, this guide will reveal the steps you should take to find employment. Additionally, this guide will detail how to apply for Stats SA census and survey jobs and the qualifications you need to work during the 2025 census.

When is South Africa’s Census Taking Place?

The South African census will start on Wednesday, 2 February 2025. It usually continues for a month or two, during which time field workers are required to go house to house and collect information. However, some work through the census can take up to six months to complete.

However, given that Stats SA will need to interview, assess, and train employees, applicants can only apply for jobs from 25 October 2025 to 31 December 2025.

Who Can Apply for a Stats SA Census Job?

Only South African citizens can apply for a Stats SA census job. Applicants must have matric and be proficient in one of the 11 official South African languages, which include Sepedi, Sesotho, Setswana, siSwati, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, Afrikaans, English, isiNdebele, isiXhosa, and isiZulu.

However, one critical element in applying for a Stats SA job is that you have to reside in the area where you will be working. Stats SA will not offer employees transport, and employees will be required to work after traditional working hours and on weekends.

What Jobs Are Available During the South African Census?

While fieldwork is a fundamental part of the census, several temporary and contract employment opportunities become available during the Stats SA 2024 census.

These include:

Field Work and Data Collection

Fieldwork and data collection employees will be required to collect data from households by going door to door in South African communities.

Data Capturing

Data capturers will be required to capture the information that fieldworkers have gathered.

Data Processing

Data processing employees will sort through the information, code, and quality check information from the data capturers and field workers.

Clerical and Administrative

Clerks and administrators will be responsible for all the general administrative tasks required during the census.


Supervisors will manage and supervise field workers, data capturers, data processors, and clerks and administrators. They may also be required to train new workers on the correct processes and procedures.

How To Apply for a Stats SA Census Job: Step-by-Step Guide

During the pandemic, South Africa’s unemployment rates have skyrocketed. But even before lockdowns and restrictions exacerbated the unemployment rate, millions of South Africans still needed a job. Considering the circumstances many South Africans would be in – and to ensure every South African can apply for a Stats SA census job – Stats SA has made accessing their platform available through zero-rated data. This means you won’t need data when you apply for a Stats SA census job.

With this in mind, you can follow these five steps to register for a job through Stats SA.

Step 1: Visit Stats SA HR Portal

You must access the Stats SA HR Portal to begin the application process. To access the portal, click here.

Step 2: Register on the Portal

Once you’re on the portal, click on Register if you haven’t registered on the Stats SA job portal before. If you have registered for a job before, click on login.

If this is your first time applying, you will be required to complete an 8-step process where you’ll need to input your details like your ID number, cell phone number, and residential address. In addition, you should make disclaimers about whether you are a sole proprietor who does other work for Stats SA and other government entities or if you work for a company that conducts work for Stats SA and other government entities.

Step 3: Upload applicable documentation

During this 8-step process, Stats SA requires you to provide proof of address. This is because applicants will only be hired in the area where they reside. Therefore, you should include the following documentation in your application:

  • Proof of address. This can include documents like an affidavit, lease agreement, municipal or retail store bill, and Tribal Authority Letter.
  • Matric Certificate
  • Certified copy of ID
  • Copy of Driver’s License (if you’re applying for a job that needs a driver’s license)

Remember that you should only provide accurate information. Stats SA will conduct reference checks and document checks to ensure that all information you provide is valid.

Step 4: Submit your details Before the Deadline.

Please be sure you’ve completed all eight steps and provided all the necessary details by 31 December 2025. Otherwise, your application will not be processed.

If you are a shortlisted candidate, Stats SA will send you an SMS confirming that you have been shortlisted. You will receive a date and time to attend a skills assessment or training from there.

To give yourself a better opportunity to secure the job, you should consider updating your CV to include your expertise and qualifications. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but it should contain the necessary information.

If you don’t have much job experience, you can include your Grade 11 or Matric results, your core competencies, your soft skills and so on. You can also ask previous school teachers, sports teachers, pastors, or community leaders to give character references, as all these don’t require you to have previous work experience.

What Qualifications do you Need to Apply for a Stats SA Census Job?

Since Stats SA will be hiring more than 165,000 candidates, there are many jobs available, each with different qualifications and criteria.

Below you can see what qualifications you need for each available role.

Basic Criteria

  • Be A South African Citizen
  • Have a Senior Certificate (Grade 12 or equivalent)
  • Have no criminal record
  • Be willing to work outside of regular office hours
  • Be proficient in one or more of South Africa’s 11 official languages

Field Work and Data Collection

  • Communication skills
  • Computer Literacy
  • Ability to Operate a Mobile Device
  • A Driver’s License will be an added advantage

Data Capturing

  • Computer Literacy
  • Typing speed of 35 words per minute with 95% accuracy

Data Processing

  • Computer literacy

Clerical and Administrative

  • Administrative skills
  • Computer literacy


  • Supervising and management experience
  • Ability to operate a mobile device
  • A driver’s license, where needed

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If you have any queries about the application process, you can contact Stats SA on 0800 110 248.

Remember that Stats SA will not be recruiting from door to door or via SMS or email. The only way to apply is through the HR portal. Furthermore, applicants will not be required to make any payments to apply.

You can also follow the application’s progress on Stats SA’s social media pages: their Facebook Page @StatsSA and Twitter @StatsSA.


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