CAO Application Status

Central Application Office (CAO) solely exists to process applications for undergraduate courses centrally. It is also to help deal with the courses in a fair and efficient style. CAO holds the action to make decisions for admissions.

CAO is mainly used by Kwazulu-Natal, as well as some other institutions in South Africa.

There is a book available to help you prepare for the application process. It will assist you with what you need.

All questions you may have about CAO that aren’t answered in the CAO lecture or on the website can contact them by using the contact form.

How To Check CAO Application Status

You will begin by going onto the website; you will then need to click on the ‘my application’ button. This will lead you to a form that needs to be filled with your details; follow the instructions afterwards.

You need to make sure you have a valid email address, as this will be one of the main forms of communication between the CAO and yourself. You should receive all updates via this email address as well.

You need to choose the relevant qualification to make sure you meet all the minimum requirements for the said qualification.

You can make your payments via the website with your debit or credit card. Note that the transaction is secure, so that means so are your banking details. By completing the payment, you will then be transferred to the other points of the registration phase.

You need to create a password, make sure it is one you will remember. If you do happen to forget it there is a password recovery site through a link.

That link will ask you for information about your registration. You will end the application by clicking on the ‘Proceed with the application’. You will then receive a CAO application number, this is sent to your personal email address.

The above will mean that your application is confirmed. If you don’t receive the email even after refreshing your email, you should then contact the customer help through the official email address.

Once you have done the above, you should be able to check your application status.

Step 1:

To check CAO application status got to

Step 2:

Type In CAO Number/ ID Number/ Passport Number, and after that, click Send button.

Aslo Read: How to register to the South African Council for Educators (SACE online)

CAO Applicant’s Responsibility

It’s your responsibility to ensure your applications are on time and factual. Only one application is allowed in a one year period. You need to make sure that you never share your password with anyone, as it has all your personal information.

Applicants, no matter who, have the dates in common. This would be the time 5:15 PM, this means that you need to ensure all your information is loaded before the specific time of 5:15 PM.

If you miss the timing, you will be considered as a ‘CAO late applicant’. So the wise thing to do is complete everything ahead of time by a few weeks or days. This means you won’t run the risk of missing the deadline.  If you have any issue pertaining to your CAO Application Status Contact them on their official website.

CAO Application Status CAO Application Status



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