The IRP5 form is a document that is required for taxpayers. This document allows the South African revenue services to assess the tax liability of each person. Every South African citizen, individual and company alike has a tax obligation that they must comply with and meet up to. The IRP5 form is submitted to employers on behalf of their employees. It contains all income information of the employees during that specific tax period.

The information that the form contains includes:

  • All information pertaining to that tax year.
  • Employer details.
  • The name of the company.
  • Your PAYE number.
  • UIF details.
  • The employees’ physical address.

In this article, we will explain what the form is, where to get it, and every other thing you may need to know regarding the IRP5.

IRP5 form explained 

Using all of these technical terms might throw you a little off course, so we are breaking it down a little more to understand it better. The IRP5 form states that the South African Revenue Service issues are simply a tax certificate. This certificate is given to the employees of a company every year. It contains information such as the employees’ tax details, their income, their deduction, and any other associated tax.

What this is, is a compilation of all your payslips for the entire tax year. All employees need to have this certificate because they will be able to complete their tax returns during that working year. We hope this explanation clarifies a lot of your doubts and worries with regard to what the form is; if it doesn’t, do not fret; more information will be shared in subsequent sections.

SARS tax return IRP5

Several frameworks have been created under the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax system, and all South Africans are required to act in accordance with these structures. The IRP5 is therefore ideal for facilitating the process of recording annual tax returns for each individual, making it as easy and stress-free as possible. The form contains several employee details such as:

  • Name details
  • Postal address
  • Employee details
  • Birthdate
  • Income tax references
  • If you receive your salary through your bank account, your bank details will also be included in the form.

SARS IRP5 online and hardcopy 

Employers can get this form whenever they need to fill and submit it. You are allowed to use your company logo on the form but on no condition can you place the SARS logo on your IRP5 form. After filling the form, the employer should provide a copy of the filled form to the employee so that he/she can go through the form and ensure that all the information that has been filled in is correct.

It is the responsibility of the employer to go through the form and make all the necessary corrections before submitting the final copy to the South African Revenue Service. If an employee recognises an error on their IRP5 form, they are not allowed to make the corrections themselves no matter the circumstance; that right is reserved for employers only.

SARS income taxation 

SARS has created a system that assigns unique codes to different incomes received by individuals under different categories. Below is a list of codes and their specified meanings:

  1. Income received 

3601: income (this is a general code for all basic salary amounts)

3605: annual payments (this code is used for annual bonuses or once-off payments)

3606: commission payments

3701: travel allowances

3702: Reimbursive travel allowance ( this code is used in the instant where the travel allowance is above 12,000 km or the prescribed rate per kilometre.)

3703: Reimbursive travel allowance (non-taxable) where the allowance is not more than 12,000 kilometres, the prescribed rate per kilometre, and no other compensation is paid to the worker.

3704: Subsistence allowance for local travel and/or code 3715 for foreign travel where the deemed figures and/or periods are surpassed.

3705: Subsistence allowance for local travel and/or code 3716 for foreign travel where the deemed totals and periods are not exceeded.

3713: Other taxable allowances including cell phone, entertainment, and earnings subject to PAYE)

3810: Fringe benefit – Company contribution to medical aid (figures should agree with code 4474)

Employees should understand that the income received is a Gross Employment Income (code 3699) and is subject to taxation. Additionally, non-taxable income is described under code 3696.

2. SARS deductions

Below is a list of deductions under SARS regulations:

4001: Total pension fund contributions paid or deemed paid by employee (includes both employee and employer contribution)

4003: Total provident fund contributions paid or considered to be paid by employee (consists of both employee and employer contribution)

4005: Medical aid contributions paid and deemed to be paid by the employee (includes both employee and employer contribution towards a private medical aid)

4006: Total retirement annuity fund contributions paid and considered to be paid by the employee

4472: Employer’s pension fund contributions paid for the benefit of the employee

4473: Employer’s provident fund contributions paid for the benefit of the employee

4474: Employer’s medical scheme contributions paid for the benefit of the employee

4582: Value of “remuneration” included in allowances and benefits (travel-related)

4497: Reflects the total deductions and contributions for the period

3. Tax credits and employee contributions

4102: PAYE (Indicates the amount of PAYE that was deducted from the employee and already paid during the period)

4116: Medical scheme fees tax credit (it shows the total amount of the medical scheme fee tax credits already received during the period)

4. Other SARS source codes include:

3802: Use of motor vehicle (not operating lease)

3816: Use of motor vehicle obtained by employers through an operating lease

SARS forms download 

As we have already established, the IRP5 form is an essential document for employees to be able to complete their tax returns easily and without stress. With this form, you are guaranteed to include every necessary detail because the form provides it for you. If you do not include this form when submitting your documents to SARS, you may be required to include it before your documents are reviewed.

To get the form, you can download it from several websites online. Most simply type “IRP5 form download” into your browser, and you will be presented with several options to download the form in several formats. Pick the one that is most convenient for you and download it. You can use applications that allow you to fill the form digitally, or you may choose to download the form, print it and then fill it.

Read Also: How Do I Apply for a Job in Statistics SA?

Employer and employee tax obligation 

Both the employer and the employee are required to pay tax. It is their obligation to do so. The employees are required to declare all their withholdings and deductions to SARS by submitting the required documents as well as the monthly employer declaration form (EMP201) must be completed monthly. You can as well benefit from the administrative solutions provided by the Metal Industries Benefit Fund Administrators (MIBFA) if you are interested.

You should also note that the IRP5 form is sometimes called the IT3 form. So if you see this anywhere, they both serve the same purpose. Both serve the purpose of a tax certificate. So employees are required to have as much information as possible with regards to their tax certificate. An employee also has the obligation of providing the employer with all necessary information.

If you have any concerns or are in need of any information that has not been provided in this article, don’t hesitate to get in touch with SARS for more information on the subject. You can contact them through any of the contact information made available below.

Contact Details:

Postal: Private Bag X923, Pretoria, 0001

Physical address: Lehae La Sars Building,

299 Bronkhorst Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Brooklyn, 0181

Tel: 012 422 4000




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