What is the national treasury (Government Tenders)?

The national treasury is the department of the South African government that manages national economic policy, prepares the government’s annual budget, and manages the overall finances of the government. The national treasury falls within the portfolio of the ministry of finance along with the South African revenue service and the statistics of South Africa.

Founded on May 31st, 1910, the mission of the department of the national treasury is to promote economic development, good governance, social progress, and improving the living conditions of the people through accountable, economic, efficient, equitable, and sustainable management of South Africa’s public finances.

How to apply for a national treasury tender (Government Tenders)

Step 1: Be sure to find a Government Tenders that are applicable to your industry or your company 

Does my business need this? Does the offer relate to what my company does? This as well as several other questions should be answered by you before embarking on applying for a government tender. It is important that you find out if that tender is a fit for your business. Tenders and RFQ’s are advertised in various places, ranging from newspapers to websites. You can find the Government’s weekly Tender bulletins using this direct link, http://www.treasury.gov.za/tenderinfo/default.aspx. However, the easiest way to find the right Tenders and RFQ’s is by subscribing to Tender notification services that will notify you whenever there is a tender that’s appropriate for your business.

Step 2: Make sure that you are capable of completing the job

By winning a tender,  you must now consider that the Government has chosen you as the most profitable supplier and now the government is a client of yours. This means that you have to make sure you have the personnel, the financial resources, the mastery, and the material to deliver the services the Government wants at the proposed price and within the proposed duration, in the same way, you would your other clients.

If you are not able to finance a 2 to 3-year contract, multiple institutions offer funds and loans available for Tenders.

Step 3: Register on the Central Supplier Database (CSD)

To be able to win a tender, your business must be registered on the Central Supplier Database (CSD) to apply for government tenders.  The CSD is the Government’s list of approved suppliers.

This article also provides you with the steps to get registered on the central supplier database. Once submitted, the Government will assess your documentation and add you if everything checks out.

Step 4: Get your documentation ready and in order 

Make sure you read the Government Tenders Document thoroughly and make sure you get all required company documentation in order.

Once you know all the necessary documents you’ll need for that particular tender, work on getting those documents ready to go before you start the application process properly.

Very often Companies apply for Government Tenders without complying with the list of requirements or without providing the necessary information. Consequently, they end up being eliminated before they even get an opportunity to compete with the other applicants.

Step 5: Fill out your Tender Application

It is important to ensure that you submit your application well before the closing date to avoid having an incomplete application, by the time of the deadline or having to rush over the application.

By doing so, you give yourself enough time to research what your tender response looks like and how to keep your prices competitive and attractive.

Step 6: Apply for multiple tenders 

Now that you have completed your first tender application, you are advised to apply for multiple tenders so you can get familiarized with the process as well as keep your options open.

National treasury vacancies 

The National Treasury (Government Tenders) has several vacancies that are still open for application. Listed below are the available vacancies along with the closing dates.

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How to apply for national treasury vacancies 

To apply for a vacancy at the national treasury, you should follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Open the national treasury website using this direct link https://erecruitment.treasury.gov.za/eRecruitment/#/browseJobs

Step 2: Select the vacancy you are interested in and click on view and apply

Step 3: Log in to your national treasury account by signing in your username and password

Step 4: If you don’t have an account click on the register

Step 5: Fill in your details and create a password for your account

Step 6: Click on sign up

Step 7: once you have signed up, log in to your account and begin the application process

Step 8: fill in all necessary documentation and forms

How to register with the national treasury

To benefit from and have direct access to the government tenders, you are required to be registered as a supplier with the national treasury. The registration process has two stages: the first stage is creating an online account and the second stage is the registration process proper.

Stage 1

  • Open the central supplier database website on www.csd.gov.za
  • Create a new CSD account. If you already had an account, you can simply log in
  • An activation email will be sent to you, click on activate account
  • Request and enter the OTP to activate your account
  • Once your account has been activated, log in to the central supplier database

Stage 2

Once you have logged in to your account, you will have to fill in the following information and forms:

  • Complete the supplier identification information
  • Complete your industry classification information
  • Complete your contact information
  • complete your address information
  • Fill in your bank account information
  • Fill in your tax information
  • If you are a non-CIPC company, complete directors/members information
  • If relevant, fill in all related associations
  • Complete your commodities information
  • Complete the notification information
  • If it is relevant, complete accreditations
  • Fill in the B-BBEE information
  • Then click on SUBMIT
  • A CSD supplier number and a unique registration reference number will be automatically generated and communicated to you

With that, you are now fully registered on the central supplier database. You have the privilege of receiving direct notifications of new and available government tenders.

National treasury internship

The National Treasury is dedicated to the development of skills amongst youth in the country. The 24-month Internship Programme offers graduates chances to improve skills and gain significant office familiarity to complement their studies.

Internship Eligibility: 

University with a degree or a postgraduate qualification at a recognised educational institution in the following areas may apply:

  • Accounting
  • Architecture
  • Business Administration Computer Networks
  • Computer Science
  • Development Economics Development Finance Development Studies Econometrics
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Financial Management
  • Internal Audit
  • Informatics
  • Information Technology International Relations
  • Law
  • LLB
  • Logistics
  • Maths & Statistics
  • Public Administration
  • Public Finance
  • Public Policy
  • Project Management Philosophy, Politics & Economics Quantity Surveying
  • Supply Chain Management Software Development
  • Systems Development
  • Systems Analysis
  • Taxation
  • Tax Law
  • Town Planning

Internship requirements: 

  • Only South African citizens can apply
  • Applicants should not have participated in an internship program before.
  • Applicants should be between 18 – 35years old.
  • students with good academic performance will be given preference.

How to apply: 

  • Go to the National Treasury website
  • Click on internships
  • Select the internship you are eligible for
  • Fill out the application forms
  • Upload the required documents where applicable
  • Upload a certified copy of your ID
  • You are also required to upload a certified copy of your school qualifications
  • Upload a certified copy of your full official academic record(s)
  • Certified copy of your tertiary qualifications
  • Click the browser button
  • Select a file that you want to upload
  • Click the Save file button to save a file
  • The uploaded file should show next to the Save file button



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