What is SACE?

The South African Council for Educators (SACE) is a professional council for educators that focuses on enhancing the teaching profession’s status through appropriate registration, management of professional development, and the inclusion of a code of ethics for all educators in South Africa.

The council consists of several committees that are in charge of various aspects of the organization. The registration committee (REGCO) oversees the registration work of SACE. It is in charge of considering and making recommendations to the council on the minimum requirements for registration and the procedures for registering at different levels.

SACE also has an ethics committee (ETHCOM) whose responsibility is to compose, maintain, and review the code of professional ethics for educators in South Africa. While the professional development committee (PRODCO) focuses on promoting, developing, and maintaining a proper image of the teaching profession by advising the ministry of basic education on matters relating to education and the training of educators. They are also in charge of developing resource materials to initiate and run training programs geared towards enhancing the teaching profession.

SACE Requirements 

To be registered with SACE, you are required to have the following:

1. A fully completed original application form.

2. An original certified copy of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework: Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 or Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)

3. An original certified copy of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card.

4. Applicants must also have an original certified copy of the professional qualification (graduation certificate).

5. Applicants are required to have an original certified copy of complete academic records (transcript) indicating that the qualification has been completed and includes the year of completion.

6. For Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) qualification, initial qualification and a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and date of completion must be attached to the application.

7. In a situation where a qualification has been lost, an original certified copy of a declaration from the Higher Education Institution (HEI) where the qualification was obtained or from the Department of Education is required. The declaration must indicate that the qualification was completed and a certificate was issued. This document must be on the HEIs’/ DBE/PED letterhead, dated, stamped, and signed.

8. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be visible.

Provisional Registration: Final year student teachers

For final year student teachers, you are required to have:

1. A fully completed original application form.

2. You must also have an original certified copy of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework: Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 or Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)

3. Your application must include an original certified copy of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).

4. Applicants must also have a certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable.

5. An original certified copy of current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution (HEI)indicating the enrolled Initial Teacher Education program and a certified copy of the academic record (post 1st years of study).

6. A current letter from a prospective employer is required from all students. The letter should be original on the letterhead of the prospective employer. It should be stamped and signed.

7. If studying towards a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) qualification, you are required to have these additional documents:

  • An original certified copy of current proof of registration from a Higher Education Institution for Post Graduate Certificate In Education (PGCE) and an original certified copy of an academic record (post 1st year of study).
  • An original certified copy of the initial qualification(s) together with an original certified copy of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and the year of completion.

Foreign Applicants

Foreign applicants that are interested in registering with SACE would be required to submit the following documents

1. A fully completed, original application form.

2. An original certified copy of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework: Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4 or Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014) or an equivalent thereof as evaluated by Evaluation from South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).

3. Your documents should include an original certified copy of the SAQA certificate of evaluation for all qualifications obtained outside South Africa, irrespective of the year.

4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be visible.

5. For identification, you should have an original certified copy of a valid passport and a valid work permit or Permanent Residence Permit OR Refugee permit together with a Refugee ID from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). The conditions of the work permit must allow the permit holder to teach in South Africa.

Note that the permit must be valid for six months or more at the time of submission of the application.

6. Lastly, the applicant must have an original certified copy of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) qualification and academic qualification and an original certified copy of a complete academic record from a Higher Education Institution (HEI) indicating that the qualification has been completed and the year of completion.

For Islamic educators:

Islamic educators would be required to submit these documents alongside their application forms:

1. A fully completed original application form.

2. An original certified copy of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:

• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)

• National Senior Certificate (NSC)

• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4

• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)

3. An original certified copy of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).

4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be visible.

5. Original certified copy of Islamic Qualifications certificate recognized for registration with the council.

6. Include a letter of recommendation for a potential employer. The letter should be written on the employer’s letterhead and should be stamped and signed.

Religious Educators:

Religious educators would be required to submit the following documents alongside their SACE application forms:

1. A fully completed original application form.

2. An original certified copy of a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) level 4 qualification as registered

on the General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI) Qualifications Sub-framework:

• Senior Certificate/ National Senior Certificate (Colleges)

• National Senior Certificate (NSC)

• National Certificate (Vocational) Level 4

• Senior Certificate (SC) (as amended in 2014)

3. An original certified copy of a South African green barcoded ID book or a Smart ID card (both sides).

4. A certified copy of a South African Police Clearance Certificate not older than six (6) months at the time of submission. The clearance certificate must have a reference number from South African Police Services and be verifiable. The SAPS reference number should be visible.

5. An original certified copy of a completed Degree or Diploma (Certificate) in Theology.

6. An original certified copy of a complete academic record indicating that the qualification has been completed and the year of completion.

SACE Registration 

Only original application forms will be accepted, and SACE does not accept faxed or emailed forms. The criteria for registration or the minimum requirements are simple, as shown above. To register, or commence your SACE application online, follow these steps:

Step 1: Satisfy the ethical standards contemplated in the Code of Professional Ethics for Educators.

Step 2: You must have obtained the minimum post Matriculation teacher education qualification of (3) years (M + 3 or REQV13) and a two (2) year certificate in teacher education for the pre-primary phase (M + 2 or REQV12)

Step 3: The SACE online registration is facilitated through the SITA e-services portal. Follow this direct link to have access to the registration portal easily: www.eservices.gov.za.

Step 4: Click on the link, then Register on the e-gov services.

Step 5: Once registered with the e-gov service, you can then log in to the e-gov portal and select SACE to begin registering.

Step 6: If you already registered on www.eservices.gov.za, just proceed with log in to your and begin your online registration for SACE.


If you had already registered with SACE but removed your name from the register, you can reapply and register again with SACE. Any person whose name has been removed from the register may reapply for registration with the council.

An application for re-registration must be accompanied by the reasons why the applicant’s name was removed from the register and a detailed motivation letter explaining why the applicant should be re-registered.

Applicants who wish to register would have to follow the same procedure as first-time applicants to SACE.

Also Read: How to Apply to (UNISA) University of South Africa Online

Registration fee for SACE

The registration fee for SACE is R200 (SA Educators) and R400 (Foreign Educators). This fee must be included either as original postal order, cheque, or payment. It can also be made in cash or using a bank card at the office. For educators that do not pay through persal would have to pay the annual levy of R120 on their application.

Tip: How to save money with SACE? 

SACE recently introduced SACE assist, which allows you to save money and time by being able to have your SACE certificate picked up and delivered to you.

For more information: 

Physical Address:

Crossway Office Park, Block 1,
240 Lenchen Avenue,
Centurion, 0157

Postal Address

South African Council for Educators (SACE)
Private Bag X127
Centurion 0046
Telephone Number: 012 663 9517
Email Address :info@sace.org.za
Call Centres: 012 663 9517



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