The University of Pretoria (UP) was established in 1908 and has become one of the biggest research universities in South Africa. UP is also in the top 1.9% of all universities worldwide. There are nine different faculties, with 120 academic departments. The faculties at UP are the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, the Faculty of Theology and Religion, and the Faculty of Veterinary Science.
UP Student Portal
The UP portal is an online platform that allows students to do many things online. Once you have made your initial application to UP, you can access the UP Portal to stay up to date with your journey. After applying, you will have received a student number or EMPLID (Enterprise-wide Master Personal Identity Descriptor). Once you receive your student number or EMPLID, you will need to wait at least 48 hours before trying to access the UP Portal. Receiving a student number doesn’t mean your application was successful, but you do need to use your student number whenever you interact with UP.
To access UP Portal
- Go to
- Click on My UP Login.
- If this is your first time on the portal, then click on New User.
- Enter your username, which is your student number (starting with ‘u’).
- Enter your ID number or passport number that was used with your application.
- Click on Proceed.
- You will then go on to set up your password. Passwords must be between 8 and 25 characters. There must be at least one numeric character, and at least two characters must be alphabetic. There must be at least one capital letter and one lowercase letter.
- Once you have completed the above, enter your username and your password, and click Submit.
- Once you have successfully signed in, you can click on the Go button in the Student Centre section.
- You should check the UP Student Centre often to make sure you stay up to date.
- You can track your admissions status, and you can view communications under Documents and Communications.
- Once you have received an offer to study at UP, you will be able to accept or reject the offer in the Admission section.
- Once you have accepted an offer, you will need to go on to accepting your Student Contract.
- This Student Contract has to be completed before you’re able to register.
- If you need assistance in doing this, this YouTube video is extremely helpful: University of Pretoria: Completing your online UP Contract 3/3
Students will also use the UP student portal for registration. Log in to the portal with your username and password.
- Once you have logged in, click on the Student Centre link under the Student Centre heading.
- Follow the instructions in this YouTube video for assistance on how to register: Online Registration .
On the UP Student Portal, you can also access your timetables, module information, as well as tasks and other information. In the UP Student Centre, within the student portal, you can access current enrollments and results, you can change your registration and modules, and more.
UP Blackboard
UP Blackboard, otherwise known as clickUP, is an online learning system for students. You will have access to assignments and tests and access to collaboration tools, and the ability to participate in group discussions. ClickUp is also free for students, so you can download the app and access your course information wherever you are.
On the activity stream page, you will see overdue assignments, tests, and graded discussions. You will also see your top five upcoming events that are happening in the next seven days. You will also see important announcements from the university. Course announcements will also appear here.
On the course page, you can search and find the courses that you are signed up for.
You can use the calendar to view and add events, view the grades page to see your grades across all your courses. You also have access to a messages function that allows you to stay in touch with your lecturers and other students.
Opening a course will open a pop-up page that covers the activity page.
Also Read: The University of Pretoria (UP) Online Applications
How to Login to clickUP
- Go to clickUP.
- Enter your student number as your username and your password.
- You can also log in through the UP portal or through the Blackboard Student Mobile app.
Once you are logged in, your modules will be displayed in the Courses tab. You can favourite a course so that it stays at the top of your page.
With UP’s Blackboard tool, clickUP, students have access to so many great features. UP also has various ways that you can contact people for help. There are also quite a few self-help guides, so if you need assistance with anything, you can search for it quite easily, or simply contact the university for assistance.