Finding out whether or not you were accepted to your top university can be a wonderful yet nerve-wracking experience. To soothe some of these worries, the University of Free State (UFS), located in Bloemfontein, South Africa, has made it easy to check the status of your application online through their website.

As with the application status, aspiring students can access the institution’s prospectus document entirely online.

For those of you who wish to attend UFS in the upcoming academic year, continue reading this article in order to find out how to check your application status to help you become a prepared and organized UFS student.

UFS Application Status

Once you have submitted your application to UFS, you can start tracking the status of it online to find out if you have been accepted or denied. This can be done by visiting the university’s main website.

Accordingly, on the UFS website, you will need to click on the “Students” tab located on the top of the webpage. Then, click on the “Student Self Service” tab that appears within the Student Toolbox bar.

This should take you to the Kovsielife homepage, where you will find three options to choose from. Click on the middle-box entitled “Student Self Service” to be navigated to the Oracle Peoplesoft system.

There, you will be prompted to enter your student number in the “User ID” box. Enter your password and click “Sign in.” This will navigate you to the Student Services Center homepage.

Finally, under Academics, click “View application” to track the status of your application.

Another easy way to check the status of your admission application, applicants simply have to log on to the university’s designated platform through the link, This action leads to the next step that is the submission of login details (user id and password). Successful completion of these steps results in a successful login and subsequent display of admission status.

When Do UFS Applications Close?

The University of the Free State is currently accepting admission applications for any of its study programmes. The deadlines however are determined by the course. Any applicant interested in studying at UFS must take note of the following dates:

July 31st Deadline for applications for architecture, quantity surveying, construction management and nursing
August 31st Deadline for undergraduate applications from international students
September 30th Deadline for geology, forensic sciences, music, social work and community development. This deadline equally applies to students applying to be transferred from other institutions to UFS.
November 1st Deadline for fine arts admission applications

UFS Residence Application Status

UFS offers a number of housing options situated on campus and off campus. On campus accommodation requires the attachment of an application form to the admission application form. Campus residences cost between 1800 and 3180 South African Rand. The status of residence applications can be checked online at UFS’ application portal.

How is Much UFS Application Fee?

The University of the Free State has no application fee charge. Admission applications do not attract or require the payment of an application fee.

UFS Application Requirements

Students looking to apply to study at the University of the Free State require the following documents:

  • National Senior Certificate
  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification
  • For doctorate studies, a relevant prerequisite degree is sought

Certain courses and faculties may also have additional requirements students must satisfy to be eligible to apply for a degree programme at the institution

UFS Application Status Portal

The University of the Free State’s application status portal is available through the following link To access the application status portal, an applicant needs login details (that is user id and password)

If you still have concerns or inquiries regarding application status, feel free to send an email to or call 051 401 9666. For general information, email



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