As the largest open distance learning institution in all of Africa, the University of South Africa or Unisa for short was founded in 1873 and is an institution that enrols nearly one-third of all students across South Africa. Here, students have the option of enrolling in various programs that are geared towards arming them with real-life, useful skills that are recognised not only as vital by the individual but by the institutions and workplaces, and even society as a whole.

UNISA Courses Offered

These courses can result in certificates, diplomas, undergraduate degrees, and even qualifications for postgraduate programs. Further, they offer something called Short Learning Programmes, or SLPs; SLPs are worth looking into as well. Located within and offered by different centres in academic departments of higher education institutions, Unisa has made impactful, positive differences in the lives of many and continues to do so day by day. Unisa also has its own website, which you can visit at, while questions and concerns, or even just general enquiries, can be directed towards the following email address:

Taken from their website is a good indicator as to why you should select Unisa for your studies: “Whether you’re beginning a new journey with us or staying involved with your alma mater, we commend you on choosing a world-class institution that has been building Africa’s future for more than 145 years.”

UNISA Courses

With eight colleges to choose from, Unisa has much to offer. The eight colleges are as follows:

  • College of Accounting Sciences (CAS) – approved by South African and international professional financial institutions, this college offers several qualifications, all of which will be more than useful
  • College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences (CAES) – with an emphasis on learning as well as training in food production, this college will also teach you about the ongoing usage and management of Africa’s natural resources
  • College of Economic and Management Sciences (CEMS) – this college is at the top of business education within all of Africa
  • College of Education (CEDU) – approximately half of the teachers and educators within South Africa are professionally trained by this college
  • College of Graduate Studies – increasing the number of postgraduate students within the country, this college also equips these students with the skills to improve their academic performance
  • College of Human Sciences (CHS) – with a focus on religion, theology, humanities, social sciences, and the arts, this college offers qualifications of top quality
  • College of Law (CLAW) – preparing students for a career in legal professions, this college delivers professional qualifications which are career-oriented
  • College of Science, Engineering, and Technology (CSET) – offering Unisa IT courses alongside other qualifications within the fields of science, engineering, and technology, this college will prepare students for whichever one they choose

If you are considering enrolling at Unisa, know that this is an institution that is more than qualified to help you in achieving your career goals. To learn of the course offerings at Unisa, with information regarding Unisa certificate courses, Unisa diplomas, undergraduate degrees, and postgraduate programmes, continue reading ahead.

Unisa certificate courses:

If you are considering enrolling at Unisa, here is an alphabetical list of certificate courses that they offer, starting with higher certificates:

  • Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences
  • Higher Certificate in Adult Basic Education & Training
  • Higher Certificate in Animal Welfare
  • Higher Certificate in Archives & Records Management
  • Higher Certificate in Banking
  • Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice
  • Higher Certificate in Economics & Management Sciences
  • Higher Certificate in Education
  • Higher Certificate in Insurance
  • Higher Certificate in Law
  • Higher Certificate in Life & Environmental Sciences
  • Higher Certificate in Marketing
  • Higher Certificate in Retailing
  • Higher Certificate in Social Auxiliary Work
  • Higher Certificate in Supervisory Management
  • Higher Certificate in Tourism Management

They also offer this advanced certificate:

  • Advanced Certificate in Accounting Science

Next, let’s go over the diplomas offered by Unisa.

Unisa diplomas:

Here is a comprehensive list of diplomas that can be earned at Unisa, once again in alphabetic order for your convenience:

  • Diploma in Accounting Sciences
  • Diploma in Administrative Management
  • Diploma in Agricultural Management
  • Diploma in Animal Health
  • Diploma in Corrections Management
  • Diploma in Explosives Management
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • Diploma in Information Technology
  • Diploma in Law
  • Diploma in Local Government Finance
  • Diploma in Marketing Management
  • Diploma in Nature Conservation
  • Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture
  • Diploma in Policing
  • Diploma in Public Administration & Management
  • Diploma in Public Relations
  • Diploma in Security Management
  • Diploma in Small Business Management
  • Diploma in Tourism Management

As well as some which classify as National diplomas:

  • National Diploma: Engineering: Chemical (NDENG)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Civil (NDECI)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Clinical Engineering (NDEEN – CEN)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Computer Systems (NDEEN – COS)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Electronics and Electronic Communication (NDEEN – EEC)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Mechatronics (NDEEN – MEC)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Power Engineering (NDEEN – PEN)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical Process Instrumentation (NDEEN – PIN)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Industrial (NDEID)
  • National Diploma: Engineering: Mechanical (NDEMC)
  • National Diploma: Mine Surveying (NDMSR)
  • National Diploma: Mining Engineering (NDMIN)
  • National Diploma: Pulp and Paper Technology (NDPPT)
  • National Diploma: Safety Management (NDSMN)

Unisa undergraduate degrees:

The list of undergraduate degrees offered by Unisa is a large one. Here are some of the options to consider:

  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Internal Auditing
  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Management Accounting
  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Taxation
  • Bachelor of Administration
  • Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication Science
  • Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
  • Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing
  • Bachelor of Arts in Criminology
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Economics
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Management
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Human Resource Management
  • Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Again, these are only some of the undergraduate offerings. To see a comprehensive list, visit their website at

Unisa postgraduate programmes:

If you are a postgraduate student, here are some of the options to consider:

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Foundation Phase and Early Childhood Development) Foundation Phase
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Intermediate and Senior) New Curriculum
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Senior Phase and Further Education and Training) New Curriculum


If you are wondering about the requirements for all these valuable certificates, diplomas, programs, and undergraduate degrees, you aren’t alone. While individual circumstances may vary, keep these general outlines in mind in regards to requirements for Unisa:

  • You will need to calculate your APS (Admissions Point Score) and ensure you are eligible for the course you are applying to
  • You will need a valid email and phone number which you will have access to
  • You will also need to be able to provide the supporting documents when needed, as certified copies. This includes but is not limited to your ID Document and school transcripts/academic records.

Also Read: How to Apply to (UNISA) University of South Africa

Unisa is a leading institution in the world of higher education. To enrol in one of their many programs will mean you are arming yourself with the skills needed as determined by yourself, your institution or workplace, and even all of society. As they say themselves, Unisa is defining tomorrow – the tomorrow we need, and the tomorrow that needs what you will be able to bring to the table.

Good luck with your studies!



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